Pilates Studio


Monday: 10am; 11.15am; 4pm; 5.15pm
Tuesday: 11am; 6pm; 7.15pm
Wednesday: 9.30am; 10.45am; 12pm
Thursday: 9.20am; 10.30am; 5.45pm; 7pm
Saturday: 10am

Please see our Studio Timetable for instructor information.

The Pilates Studio is fully open for classes, with the following measures in place:

  • Classes will be limited to a maximum of 8 participants
  • Mats and other items of exercise equipment are provided and disinfected between classes
  • Participants may supply their own pillows
  • Participants may apply hand sanitiser as they enter and exit the Studio. 

Clinical Pilates uses the principles and exercises of the Pilates method, combined with physiotherapist assessment and rehabilitative skills. This provides a safe and effective means to enhance recovery from injury, or just to enable participation in a rewarding and beneficial exercise programme. Be reassured that you can exercise safely with expert supervision – with the aim of gaining the maximum core strengh and flexibility you can achieve.

Classes focus on specific muscle groups, deep-core control and strengthening, whole body flexibilty, movement control, balance and co-ordination, based on a background of core-muscle strength.  Exercises are generally floor-based, but may be interspersed with exercise using specialised equipment to enhance effect.

How Pilates works

Pilates is a unique body conditioning and postural alignment exercise technique. Exercises target deep muscles within the abdomen and pelvic floor which connect the spine, pelvis, hips and shoulder girdle. These muscles assist in the maintenance of good posture and provide the foundation for all body movements. Improved posture control can reduce stresses placed on muscles and joints and make movement more energy efficient and flowing. Pilates can therefore be particularly beneficial in the management of back injuries and arthritis, as well as during pregnancy and following childbirth, and in training for sport.

Just some of the many benefits of Pilates

  • Improved posture
  • Greater flexibility
  • Improved balance
  • Better core muscle strength
  • A firmer, flatter stomach
  • Relief of stress and tension